Join over 100,000 people who’ve used the IESO one-to-one typed online therapy

Posted by: devon - Posted on:

Join over 100,000 people who’ve used our one-to-one typed online therapy.

If you feel overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, are having trouble sleeping, or experiencing feelings of depression, you can sign up for a free course of online therapy with ieso.

Chat one-to-one online with a fully qualified therapist using text-based online therapy. Completely private and accessible from home, appointments are available 6am-11pm, seven days a week.

A course of online therapy treatment with ieso is free for NHS patients in Doncaster. To be eligible for online therapy, you must be registered with a GP in Doncaster and be aged 18 or over. You can refer yourself directly to our free service. Self-referring allows you to access online therapy quickly and easily without the need to visit your GP.

Click here to check your eligibility. 

More information available here.